Ciardis wants nothing more than security in life, which is why
she was planning to marry her long time boyfriend. Trouble is, he impregnated another girl and is forced to marry her. Obviously, Ciardis is mad, and rightly so! So when a Court Companion visits her town and offers Ciardis an apprenticeship as aCompanion, she takes it. (Companions are women that magically complement they’re patron. Companions often end up married to their patrons.) It turns out that Ciardis is a Weathervane, meaning she has a rare talent to make others’
magic more powerful. A lot of people would like a Companion with that ability. So Ciardis is all ready for the Patron Hunt, in which Companions showcase their abilities, when she finds that the Prince needs her help.

OK, so I know that was a bit of a ramble, but I promise you, Sworn to Raise is an
extraordinary read! The idea is totally unique and Terah Edun has done an
excellent job building the world!

12+ for bad language, 10/10 stars!!

I look forward to reading more by Terah Edun, especially Sworn to Transfer, the
forthcoming 2nd book in the Courtlight series!
Thanks for the review copy I recieved through NetGalley.
~Carissa Bookworm